Our New Coffee – Tobys Estate

It was an exhaustive search and took us once again half way around the globe (and back again) but one of our favorite roasters in Sydney, Australia Toby’s Estate, opened up in Brooklyn so it made our selection process a whole lot easier.

We’re under the assumption that most of you are not familiar with Toby or his Estate but of course there’s a story which goes something like “Coffee Geek roasts tasty coffee in Mums garage. Mum kicks him out for stinking out garage but loves taste so tells him  to open cafe in Woolloomooloo (and learn more about about the Crema process). Some other stuff happened, then opens a roaster in Brooklyn just to service Ants Pants Cafe.” So in a nutshell, everything they have done, has been for us. Good for them and good for us. These days we just send Toby around the world to find the best beans for our customers.

So we’ve been serving Toby’s finest (including the delicious Woolly espresso) for the past couple of weeks to much fanfare so we figured we might as well let you know what the special sauce has been. If you haven’t sampled the wares, get yourself over and wrap your laughing gear around our finest, we’re pretty pleased with it.

If you do want to learn a little more (including a slightly different timeline and story…who can tell which one is correct?) they have a couple of websites, one being in Oz and the other based on their store in Brooklyn (which is also pretty awesome actually).

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